The Night Watch is the most prolific and well known terrorist organization advocating for the worldwide rights of dragonkin currently in active operation. They are highly volatile and condemned by almost every government, both weyr and hold. They are characterized as vigilantes and extremists, celebrated widely among the younger generations of the population which is aided by their online presence and the vocal, public approval of many private citizens who herald them as the only ones actually looking out for Pern.The Night Watch is implicated in a long list of crimes, many of which involve the theft of supplies, food and medical equipment as well as the murder of known traditionalist, anti-progressive activists, perpetrators of hate crimes, politicians and bringing vigilante justice to criminals. They are known for using UV paints to tag public surfaces and denote where safe spaces are, and also always attack at night whenever they do, painting themselves in fluorescent, glowing paints and attire that glows in the dark.Please note - All information posted here is meta knowledge, unless your character is part of The Night Watch they will only know the above information and what is posted on the meta tab as Public Knowledge

The leadership of The Night Watch is run in secretive silos, which are all maintained, managed and coordinated by leadership and core members. Silos largely don't know about other silos, making it so if one fails, The Night Watch still stands. Silos are comprised of a handful of leadership members - core members who liaison with leadership and each other, all of whom know of the location of The Nest (or at least, what they are told is The Nest) and Silent members who are every day citizens who have expressed interest in The Night Watch and may be tapped to participate in a mission or a directive.


Just as it sounds, the leadership roles of The Night Watch are the ones guiding the way forward. They are the only members of the organization who have access to all information and who plan most of the large actions and movements. This is largely composed of the organization’s founders and earliest members, but some later members have proven themselves or otherwise made themselves necessary. Often leaders who live in a certain silo’s Nest will pass themselves off as core members in order to maintain some of their anonymity, the only exception to this being Nests composed only of core members and the most trusted liaisons.Note: This is the only TNW role which is not open for auto join. If you’d like to make a leadership role, please contact staff and request/plot that out beforehand

  • Alias: The Unicorn - Leader/Founder - Seru of Oil Moth

  • Alias: The Bull - Leader/Founder - K'win of Bronze Sabysavith

  • Alias: N/A - Leader(?) - Alaiedon/A'dai

  • Alias: Oaken Rain - Leader - Linden

  • Alias: The Menace - Leader - Green Trillith


Core members are the members of the Night Watch most trusted by its leadership. Though they may not have the full picture, they have most of it as it pertains to their scope of work and obtaining information outside of their scope is relatively easy. Core members might vary in their hierarchy - some might be leaders in their own right, some might be specialists who operate on their own and everything in between - but they are noted by having knowledge of some of leadership’s identities and having the ability to act independently and at their own discretion, as well as being authorized to requisition both resources and manpower for their tasks. Core members may live in a Nest that is strictly composed of core and leadership members, or they may themselves pose as leadership amongst a silo while reporting back to actual leadership.

  • Alias: DJ Hydrogen Nightstick - Core - Red Wher Hydrangea

  • Alias: The Queen - Core - Green Dragon Nixcyath


Peacekeepers are trusted individuals who are noted by their utility within the organizations. Many of them operate in limited capacities, though there are exceptions. They often will know the identities of a handful of core members and the most trusted of them will also be aware that some core members are only posing as leadership, but are not themselves leadership. The peacekeepers make up the bulk of the people who can be requisitioned for actions and often have specific skills. Many of them live in Nests, though most think that their Nest is the only one and that The Unicorn themself is hidden somewhere amongst the silo’s leadership. Many of them start out as refugees and displaced people, while others are silent members who elevated themselves in the organization..

  • Alias: N/A - Peacekeeper - Khaesia


Silent members are members who do not live in a Nest and only rarely visit one, with great precautions to preserve secrecy maintained in that event. These members of the Night Watch are often crowdsourced through social media though they may be specifically approached by other members, and they supply aid to the organization in a number of ways. From providing intelligence to anonymous contacts, participating in protests to running a safehouse, participation is as varied as the silent members themselves. Silent members generally have no knowledge at all of the greater structure of the organization and will have none to very little knowledge of the identities of other Night Watch members.

  • Many People

Public Knowledge

The Night Watch was founded originally by The Unicorn, and though little is known about the notoriously skull helmeted figure, they have something of a legend built up around them. The Unicorn's dragon was rumored to be one of the first dragons from one of the traditional weyrs to turn to violence in the name of protecting a cell of independent whers trying to flee the holdstate, and was summarily expunged for their actions.Though this rumor has never been substantiated by any traditional weyr of the northern continent, The Unicorn built their fame by acting as a vigilante, until almost overnight The Night Watch grew around them. They have been active for almost 13 years now, spearheading an underground movement of standing up and taking the justice that is deserved and making holdouts recognize the personhood and agency of dragonkin. They fight for the people of Pern and if the world will not be made safe by the powers that be then The Night Watch will make it so, by force if necessary.


  • The Night Watch may never act for personal gain. Any actions should be for the benefit of others or in preservation of the health and well being of The Night Watch

  • The Night Watch may never accept monetary payment or the trade of services for their work unless such payment is necessary to fund infrastructure and the betterment of the faction

  • Any actions taken must be done with the safety of civilians in mind. This is a hard rule and what separates The Night Watch from its enemies

  • Members of The Night Watch must never reveal their faces, use their unfiltered voices or act during the day time when dragonkin are easily recognizable unless an action specifically calls for it and is requested by core or leadership members. The showing of one's face when acting otherwise in association is grounds for immediate dismissal from The Night Watch in order to preserve all other members.

  • Members of The Night Watch may never prioritize self preservation during an action over the whole of The Night Watch

  • Violence against the oppressors is always warranted

  • No actions should ever be levied against those who advocate for equality or who do not endanger civilians as a whole or marginalized groups, either by direct or indirect means

Silos and Nests

  • Nests are physical locations of safehouses where members of the Night Watch live and work unmasked, either part time or full time, and where background operations are conducted. Nests come in two varieties - Nests that are composed strictly of core and leadership members, and Nests that are composed of core and peacekeepers, with some leadership rarely hidden within, posing as core members, and core members always posing as leadership.

  • Each Nest that is composed of core members and peacekeepers is correlated with a silo of the Night Watch, and functions almost independently, providing the illusion to the peacekeepers that it is the main hub of the organization. Nests that are composed of leadership and core members only function purely as safehouses in which members are able to live and work unmasked.

  • Silos exist for the sole purpose of protecting the Night Watch from threats both internal and external, ensuring that if there is a breach of information which endangers members of the Night Watch, that breach can then be quarantined to only a small piece of the organization. Silos themselves do not only include the members who are physically present in their corresponding Nest, but also include who ever is part of that Silo’s network, which may be peacekeepers who do not live in the Nest at all as well as whatever silent members that the Silo has requisitioned or sourced for themselves.

Leadership RP Hooks

  • The trajectory and goals of the Night Watch sit in the hands of leadership, it is up to them to connect the bigger picture and to lead the organization in a clear path through the ever growing muddy water of Pern’s world politics. They will often have to meet with each other to chart their course forward, and likewise will send orders down to the core members to be disseminated through the organization.

  • It is a rare few members of leadership who don’t participate themselves in actions and missions, whether on the front lines or behind the scenes. Oftentimes when this happens they will act as a core member, and in this way get to know the rank and file of the Night Watch, whereas other times they will don their leadership aliases to rally the far ranging and disparate members.

  • Many members of leadership have an alias that is somewhat infamous and may have a cult following or urban legends written about them, but maintaining that while remaining anonymous can be difficult. Maybe they have people who stand in for them, or maybe they hide amongst the many private citizens who they encourage to dress as they do.

  • Heavy is the head that wears the crown - leadership is a big responsibility with an even bigger toll on your mental and physical health, some might seek professional help, others might lean upon strangers or other members of the Night Watch. A leader’s greatest weakness lies in their humanity and morals.

  • Leadership often maintain the persona of a normal, everyday person outside of their duties in the Night Watch, and may find themselves sitting alongside private citizens who would never expect that they were even involved. Likewise, leadership will often themselves make contact with politicians and the leaders of Pern and they may establish some sort of bond with them - either because it is mutually beneficial, or because it is maintained through blackmail.

Core RP Hooks

  • Are you a silent contributor to the Night Watch looking to get more involved? Be vocal about it and one of the core members may find you. Likewise, core members may actively be on the lookout for people who would be an asset to the organization and may make it their business to go about trying to get them involved, either explicitly or implicitly.

  • Is something going wrong in a core member’s silo and the area that silo covers? Is there a civil rights situation that would benefit from the Night Watch’s help? Core members act at their own discretion and you will likely find them intervening. This intervention may be anything from clandestine humanitarian aid, the removal of citizens from hostile situations to outright violence and vigilante justice.

  • The silos are often exactly that, siloed. It’s a core member’s job to travel outside of their own silo to keep them connected by strong but invisible threads and to maintain the status of their network. This traveling may be physical or it may be digital, but core members usually have a circle of other core members and at least one memebr of leadership with who they are in open and frequent communication.

  • Some core members pass themselves off as leadership within their silo and thus will field questions and problems as though they are leadership, making themselves available accordingly. Likewise, some may emulate some of the infamous leaders of the organization to help obscure their identity and may grow close to them to learn how to best do that.

  • Core members have greater jurisdiction than most Night Watch members and are otherwise entrusted to specific tasks - maybe you need their specific set of skills. Likewise it's common for other core members to network and seek each other out for their skills and advice.

Peacekeeper rp hooks

  • Numerous and varied, peacekeepers are the backbone of the Night Watch and a large part of why it has become a force to be reckoned with. They are often a busy and industrious group, usually working on at least one project or preparing for a violent action, available to be contacted and connected with over their current mission(s).

  • Peacekeepers are often the members of the Night Watch who have the most contact with silent members - many act as a gateway to the larger infrastructure and will riddle out if useful or passionate people are candidates for recruitment into the organization.

  • They are the lifeblood of the Nests, some peacekeepers only function being to help provide for their Nest, be that in the kitchen or in maintaining the technology and hardware necessary for it to run. Do you live in a Nest?

  • Many peacekeepers have faith in leadership, but others have questions that may be genuine or nefarious in nature. Are you trying to figure out the greater structure of the Night Watch? Do you think you know who The Unicorn is?

  • A peacekeeper might operate out in the greater world while part of a mission or action, and they often are entrusted to engage with the public. Maybe you’ve met another peacekeeper and didn’t even know it, they just seemed like part of the shuffle during a Night Watch action.

Silent Rp hooks

  • A silent member often lives a normal, mundane life, but wants to help the Night Watch either because the Night Watch could help them, or because they believe in the cause and they want to be part of the community that is praised by so many private citizens and celebrities. Thus silent members may seek out other members of the Night Watch in clandestine manners and try to find their community, often in an online format.

  • Part of the risk of being a silent member is trying to keep the everyday people in your life from knowing that you are. This might be relatively easy for them, or it might require leaping through a lot of hoops just to maintain secrecy that may or may not be suspicious and that may require help from others.

  • It’s hard to find direction to act independently as a silent member, and many will often become emboldened by purpose or by time spent in collusion. Some might try to formulate their own actions or protests.

  • Gathering the hidden meaning of Night Watch tags painted in physical locations with paint that is invisible until a UV light is shined or hidden in websites and amongst social media is passed along to silent members like a game or riddle for them to solve. Some may come together to try and solve these riddles, and others might find themselves taken far afield to figure them out.

  • The people in the Night Watch that silent members liaison with are often faceless and anonymous, but sometimes they are a person they are close to and know, other times they’re an acquaintance who they are just coming to know. Maybe you are their contact, or maybe you’re looking for more.